October 4, 2010

homecoming sweethearts

I have beautiful sisters, so it's exciting when they ask me to take photos for them! Saturday was the Madison County homecoming dance. My sister came over with her friend and their dates for photos before the dance. Her friend was late getting there... It was a challenge getting shots after dark, but I also got some good ones while we waited. :-) Overall I'm happy with these, and I think they are too.

Rachel took these photos while I set up my lights (it got way too dark to shoot without lights). My camera settings were way off and it was super dark outside. Thanks to Lightroom and shooting in RAW I was able to save these, and I kind of like the look of them...

Then I used the lights outside. I've never done that before, but there wasn't room in my little make-shift "studio" for everyone. So if you drove by our house Saturday night around 8:00, you would've seen some crazy folks flashing lights in the front yard. :-p New challenges can only make you better!

Thanks for a fun evening, guys! I hope y'all had a super great time at homecoming. :-)

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