We forget things. Kids grow up (too fast!). Days come and go in a blink. To be able to capture a moment to hold onto forever... it's incredible. It's not just about the moment though - it's the love between two people, the look parents have looking at their newborn baby, the raw joy of a child, .... It's everything happening within the moment.
"Find a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life."
I love photography, and I could see myself doing this in 10/20/30 years and still enjoying it. Why not start a business? I quit my regular job when our first child was born. The plan was to stay home for a few years and go back to work when the kids went to school. Now that I've decided this is the path I want to follow, I want to work on building the business as I can. When the kids are in school, hopefully this photography business will replace going back to a 'regular' job.
It's scary though. I think most photographers struggle with 'am I good enough?'. I've done photo sessions that I've been pretty happy with, and I've done some that disappointed me. I feel like I've grown so much, even just the past year and past few months. I'll continue to grow. But even so, the thought is always in the back of my mind - can I do this? I don't know, but I'll give it my best shot and have fun with it!
When I don't have a photo session, I like to practice on my favorite subjects - my babies. :) (I never posted here about our new baby, so I'll include some of his newborn pictures.)
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