September 19, 2010

Evening at Watson's Mill

I had the privilege of spending time with this family at Watson's Mill State Park. The older boys were good sports, and the two younger kids loved being photographed. They popped into a pose when I pointed my camera at them - it was so cute!

September 3, 2010

my favorite subjects

I love love love taking pictures of my kids. Who doesn't? I can take 100 photos of the same smile, and still want to take more. After 2 1/2 years of having a camera in her face, I think my daughter is burned out with the camera in her face.

So when she comes in the room where I have the lights set up and plops down on the bean bag, I absolutely have to take advantage! :)

Sometimes it helps to talk about the monkey in my camera.

My son is a lot easier, he isn't mobile (or tired of my camera) yet!

September 1, 2010

free photo session drawing!

Once I reach 100 fans on my facebook page, I'll have a drawing for a free photo session! "Like" my page, and tell your friends.

Click Here!

Pretty exciting, huh? :)