September 12, 2009

another fun shoot

I had a great time with this family and their adorable children. The kids didn't feel like smiling for me, but they were so cute it didn't matter. :)

August 17, 2009

black and white

I've been playing with high contrast black and white on some images, and I really like how these came out.

I haven't decided yet if I like this one... It's almost a bit freaky.

August 10, 2009

Twin Boys

These little guys are so cute and so full of energy! I had a ton of fun getting their pictures.

Here's a little taste of what we got:

July 29, 2009

Haley - 18 month pics

Ok, so this is my own daughter... But I thought the pictures turned out nice. :)

July 15, 2009

Chayce and Nicole's Wedding

Their wedding was BEAUTIFUL and so much fun to photograph. It was my first wedding, so I learned a lot. But I definitely wouldn't mind doing more of them!

I wish Chayce and Nicole the best - they're a very sweet couple. I'm so excited to have Nicole as part of the family.

June 1, 2009


I had my sisters over, and I took them outside for a few pictures. These came out pretty nice I think. :)

May 26, 2009

Chayce and Nicole

I did Chayce and Nicole's engagement pictures at the Botanical Gardens. It was hot and muggy, and I had my brother and sisters hanging out behind me. I think it turned out pretty well overall. I'm doing their wedding in July - it's my first wedding. Hopefully I can give them what they want. :) The whole set can be viewed here.

May 17, 2009

Banks Co Chamber of Commerce Picnic

We went to the annual picnic, and a couple of Seth's coworkers were putting it together this year. They asked me to take some pictures, so of course I agreed to! I think I got some nice pictures of The Mill. :) The portraits and other pictures can be viewed here.

April 29, 2009

Tim and Kylie

I got to do engagement pictures for Timothy and Kylie. Overall, I think they turned out pretty nice. Click here to see the whole set.